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Fourth newsletter
A word from the project coordinator, Prof Matthew Gorton As the Strength2Food project embarks on its final year, our attention focuses on drawing policy conclusions, learning the lessons from our intervention pilot studies, communication, and developing tools for practitioners and policy makers. Regarding conclusions, a Delphi study evaluated, refined and verified the factors that determine the success or failure of food quality schemes, public sector food procurement and short food supply chains. Partners are currently developing strategic guides for practitioners regarding Geographical Indications (GIs), public sector food procurement and short food supply chains. We are working with non-academic partners to [...]
Third newsletter
A word from the project coordinator, Prof Matthew Gorton These past six months have been busy and productive for Strength2Food. The project organised one webinar to present our research findings concerning the Impacts of Public Sector Food Procurement Strategies and introduce management tools developed for practitioners, specifically a Meal Analyser tool and a Meal and Procurement Planning tool. The research conducted on Food Quality Schemes and consumer understanding of food quality labels was presented, in conjunction with AREPO, to DG-AGRI’s geographical indications experts and staff from the Research Executive Agency (REA) in January 2020. In light of the EU consultation on EU Food Quality Schemes, Strength2Food’s [...]
The Best of 2019
Welcome to the end of a decade! Ready for a Strength2Food end of year wrap-up? 2019 has been a year full of achievements, publications, conferences & prizes! In case you've missed any, here's a list of our highlights: Webinar on Food Quality Labels: Do they Matter for Consumers? Special project session on Engaging Consumer for a better food value chain at the 33rd EFFoST International Conference Discussing local controversies via hybrid forums in Italy, United Kingdom, Serbia and Norway How can we develop a more sustainable seafood sector? (Video) Book on sustainability of European Food Quality schemes Trade effects [...]
Second newsletter
A word from the coordinator, Prof Matthew Gorton The past year has been a busy but very productive one for the Strength2Food project. Some highlights have been the project's 3rd Annual Meeting on 10-11 May 2018 in Rome (hosted by Coldiretti) and the Strength2Food-FAO workshop on the sustainability of Geographical Indications (GIs) where project partners presented the project’s methodology for sustainability assessment as well as experiences from seven GI case studies. Partners are currently finalising measures of the economic, social and environmental impacts of food quality schemes and short food supply chains. Work on public sector food procurement has involved extensive [...]
First newsletter
A word from the coordinator, Prof Matthew Gorton Welcome to the first issue of Strength2Food e-newsletter, bringing the latest updates from our project. These past 22 months have seen many exciting developments and fruitful collaborations. One of the main tangible results is the development of a methodological framework and indicators for evaluating the economic, social and environmental impact of EU food quality schemes, public sector food procurement policies and short food supply chains. Data collection and fieldwork activities are now underway in various European countries, as well as Thailand and Vietnam. Likewise, qualitative and quantitative analysis on consumers’ food practices [...]