10 04, 2020

Can Geographical Indications Reduce Price Volatility? Evidence from Spain


The prices received by farmers are often volatile and how prices change at each stage of the supply chain may not always be symmetrical. A recently published study by Strength2Food partner CREDA and written by Hugo Ferrer-Pérez, Fadi Abdelradi and José M. Gil, looks at whether producers of a Geographical Indication (GI) face less [...]

25 02, 2020

Training course on scientific writing and presentation skills


A one-day training course on scientific writing and presentation skills was held in February 2020 in Belgrade, Serbia. In the morning, Professor Quarrie, from EUTA, gave 18 participants (PhD students, post-doctoral researchers to other early career academics), advice on preparing manuscripts based on Strength2Food research for submission to high-impact journals, and how to make [...]

16 01, 2020

Strength2Food shares key findings on EU Food Quality Schemes with European Commission


On January 16th 2020, Strength2Food and AREPO met with Geographical Indications experts from DG-AGRI and the Research Executive Agency (REA). In light of the EU consultation on EU Food Quality Schemes, Strength2food’s key insights and policy recommendations were presented, to support the refinement of EU quality policy and strategies to improve the effectiveness and [...]

11 12, 2019

Engaging consumers for a better food value chain


EUFIC entered into the dialogue on the sustainability of the current food systems by organising a special session at the 33rd EFFosT International Conference focusing on ‘Engaging consumers for a better food value chain’. The idea of this session was to present the results of three European research projects EUFIC is currently involved in [...]

22 11, 2019

Strength2Food book on the Sustainability of Food Quality Schemes Published


The sustainability of food quality schemes is assessed in a new book based on Strength2Food research, edited by Filippo Arfini and Valentin Bellassen. The book, published by Springer,  presents a holistic methodology for assessing the sustainability of food quality schemes which is then applied to cases of Geographical Indications and Organic products from Europe [...]

21 11, 2019

At the heart of controversies: Hybrid forums as an experimental multi-actor tool to enhance sustainable practices in localized agro-food systems


The purpose of this paper is to discuss and evaluate the role of hybrid forums as tools to address specific controversies related to sustainable practices in localized agro-food systems (LAFS). Design/methodology/approach In contrast with other conventional public engagement methods, such as citizen juries, consensus conferences, focus groups or deliberative processes, hybrid forums entail a [...]

20 11, 2019

Strength2Food represented at Food Matters Live 2019, London


Strength2Food’s Project Manager Dr Barbara Tocco was invited to speak at Food Matters Live 2019, the UK’s largest event showcasing the food and drink innovations in the retail sector, shaping the future of food, health and sustainable nutrition. This year event, held in ExCel London on 19-20 November 2019, attracted over 10,500 visitors and [...]

10 11, 2019

Strength2Food research team win best scientific research award


Strength2Food researchers at the Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology at University of Zagreb and the Faculty of Economics and Business at University of Zagreb have won the award for the best scientific research in the field of nutrition at the 7th International Congress of Nutritionists organised by the Croatian Federation of Nutritionists – [...]

2 10, 2019

Dr. Orachos Napasintuwong talks about the sustainability of Khao Hom Mali Thung Kula Rong-Hai rice


On 1-2 October 2019, Strength2Food took part in the 2nd Global Sustainable Rice Conference and Exhibition in Bangkok, an event that aims to facilitate knowledge sharing within the growing global community of rice stakeholders who share a vision of sustainability for the sector. It was against this backdrop that Prof. Orachos Napasintuwong from Strength2Food [...]

20 09, 2019

4th Strength2Food Interim Meeting & Webinar on Food Quality Schemes, Bonn, Germany


Project partners gathered in Bonn, on 18-20 September 2019, for its 4th Interim Meeting, hosted by the University of Bonn (UBO). The meeting started with a Strength2Food webinar on ‘Food Quality Labels: do they matter for consumers? Empirical results from a pan-European study and policy recommendations’, organised in cooperation with University of Bonn (UBO), [...]