16 10, 2020

The strength of a good idea: Strength2Food patience and persistence rewarded with a school now buying organic vegetables


After several years of work with primary schools and organic growers in Serbia, the results of these Strength2Food activities are having a tangible impact. To improve the nutritional quality of school meals and encourage schools to use short food supply chains for their food procurements, EUTA has been working with nearly 30 primary schools. [...]

16 09, 2020

Are Short Food Supply Chains (SFSCs) More Environmentally Sustainable than Long Chains?


Improving the eco-efficiency of food systems is one of the major global challenges faced by the modern world. Short food supply chains (SFSCs) are commonly regarded to be less harmful to the environment, among various reasons, due to their organizational distribution and thus the shortened physical distance between primary producers and final consumers. In [...]

1 08, 2020

The Strength2Food Meal Planner Tool featured on The Project Repository Journal


We are pleased to announce that the Strength2Food meal planner tool has been featured in the 6th edition of The Project Repository Journal (PRj). This innovative tool aims to help Serbian primary schools with meal planning. It offers information on the nutritional quality of their meals, the cost, and uses estimated levels of food [...]

5 07, 2020

Talk Radio: Discussing the sustainability of the Thai agricultural sector with Dr. Montchai


A radio broadcast was organised on Saturday, July 5, 2020, to present the Strength2Food final results to opinion leaders/regulators, the media, industry including SMEs, consumer organisations and the scientific community. The broadcast was recorded and made publicly available in the local language. The "Talk to Dr. Montchai" program is a regular talk show on [...]

25 06, 2020

Seafood Skills and Recipe Share Videos to Improve Consumers‘ Confidence and Creativity in the Kitchen


Food Nation developed a series of ‘Skills and Recipe Share’ videos to help build consumers’ confidence, and skills, in preparing and cooking a wider variety of fresh and locally landed seafood species. These learning resources demonstrate specific seafood preparation techniques and stimulating recipes. The videos, developed during the [...]

4 06, 2020

Webinar on The Impacts of Public Sector Food Procurement Strategies and Tools for Better Management


This webinar has been organised in cooperation with the University of Edinburgh, Impact Measurement Ltd, the European Training Academy, the European Food Information Council and Newcastle University, and talks about: Public Sector Food Procurement for school meals in Europe: evaluation of the environmental, economic and social impacts (slides here) Meal Analyser Tool (available here) [...]

25 05, 2020

Farmers’ Market of Campagna Amica open again after the lockdown


After the long-lasting lockdown in Italy, due to the Covid-19 crisis, that limited consumers’ movements and forced the closure of farmers’ market and farmhouses, a new phase started in Italy and more than half of Farmers’ Market (FMs) belonging to Campagna Amica are once again ready to welcome consumers. Safety precautions are in place [...]

12 05, 2020

Konzum launches local food heroes initiative


Strength2Food partner Konzum has launched a new local food heroes campaign. The initiative called “Best of Croatia”, invites food producers and manufacturers to cooperate with Konzum and become “heroes”. Producers can apply for hero status, and work with Konzum to realise the long-term placement of their products on Konzum shelves to customers throughout Croatia. [...]

22 04, 2020

School meal carbon emissions explained


An international team led by Professor Angela Tregear from the University of Edinburgh has been looking at the carbon emissions from average school meals across Europe. They wanted to find out which activities contributed the most emissions and how to reduce the carbon footprint. The team examined case studies of ten primary school meals services [...]