
  1. Welcome & Strength2Food key results, recommendations and impacts
  2. Research Insights
    • Food Quality Schemes
    • Public Sector Food Procurement
    • Short Food Supply Chains
  3. Organised sessions
    • Impact of EU food quality schemes: taking stock and looking ahead
    • Data improvements for sustainable GIs
    • Ethnographic research – methodologies and approaches
    • H2020 shared learning & innovative solutions for improving short food supply chains
    • Delphi Method as a research tool to develop policy recommendations
  4. Future Policy and Research Directions: Panel discussion
  5. Looking ahead: policy agenda and priorities

Pilot actions

  • Stimulating short fish supply chains for locally landed seafood in the UK
  • Supporting sustainable supply chains through ICT: the case of “Campagna Amica” in Italy
  • School meals initiatives in Serbia to stimulate Short Food Supply Chains
  • A pilot case study for fresh fruit supply
  • Mainstreaming local food supply chains
  • Stimulating local farmer cooperation for school meals procurement in Serbia
  • Co-operative labelling of high value-added food for local and regional market
  • Improving food quality schemes sales in Poland
  • School meals initiatives in Croatia in schools with gardens

Tools & Resources

  • Massive Open Online Course (MOOC): Sustainable food choices
  • Sustainability indicators for food value chains
  • Educational resources for schools
  • Meal analyser tool
  • School menu and procurement planning tool
  • Ethnographic field gallery
  • Strength2Food variant of LM3 tool

On May 20th, 2021, we said goodbye to Strength2Food, a 5-year EU-funded project that started in March 2016.

The project’s final conference brought together more than 300 stakeholders including policy makers, practitioners, researchers and representatives of EU institutions and was the perfect occasion to:

  • Present key results and recommendations on how to improve current policies and practices on EU Food Quality Schemes, Public Sector Food Procurement and Short Food Supply Chains;
  • Showcase the outcomes and best practices from the different demonstration pilot actions, and the multiple tools and resources developed as part of the project;
  • Organise sessions around thematic areas, methodology insights and H2020 knowledge exchange;
  • Provide insights into future policy agenda and research directions;
  • Engage with a variety of like-minded stakeholders;

Moreover, and besides the engaging and informative presentations by the Strength2Food partners, the online experience, planned and run by the European Food Information Council (EUFIC), offered to participants a networking platform and a digital exhibition space showcasing the pilot actions undertaken and the multiple tools and resources developed for different agri-food stakeholders.