Strength2Food representatives went back to the Norwegian city of Sandefjord to take part in the third hybrid forum titled ‘A public dialogue about fish, seafood and culture in Sandefjord – FISH: not only to eat, but also to think with’. The first part of the hybrid forum, which was the intern workshop , was opened by Dr. Gunnar Vittersø who addressed fish distribution, production and consumption in the local area (Sandefjord), in relation to Strength2Food results, emphasising the barriers and opportunities for local seafood to be promoted, for example, through a stronger link between consumers and fishermen. After the second expert intervened emphasizing the ambivalent relation to some types of fish in Norway, the discussions focused on fish and culture, together with eating habits in Norway, addressing the fact that, even though sardines are a traditional product, they are mostly exported rather than consumed locally.
During the second part of the forum, ideas were put forward on how to close the gap on this typical product, among which was the idea to create a maritime centre for children and families to experience local fish. The lack of hot school lunches being served in Norway may have contributed to the loss of interest and knowledge about seafood, which needs to be sparked again by introducing it to different generations of consumers. The floor was then opened to interventions from the public, who raised concerns regarding climate change and pollution in the bay, together with a decrease in fish stock and an abundance of shrimps. The discussion also touched upon hot school lunches vs packed lunches and nutritional education, aiming at healthier food habits.