Responsible Partner: INRA
Authors: V. Bellassen, F. Arfini, F. Antonioli, A. Bodini, M. Brennan, R. Courbou, L. Delesse, M. Donati, M. Drut, M. Duboys de Labarre, O. Dupont, J. Filipović, L. Gauvrit, G. Giraud, M. Gorton, M. Hilal, E. Husson, K. M. Laitala, E. Majewski, A. Malak-Rawlikowska, S. Monier-Dilhan, P. Muller, T. Poméon, B. Ristic, M. Sayed, B. Schaer, Z. Stojanovic, A. Paget, B. Tocco, E. Toque, A. Tregear, M. Veneziani, M-H. Vergote, G. Vittersø, A. Wilkinson.
Date of Publication: June 2017
This report describes the implementation of a sustainability assessment on six pilot cases: three food quality schemes (Comté PDO cheese, Parmigiano Reggiano PDO cheese and Serbian organic raspberries), one public food procurement (County Durham school meals) and two short food supply chains (Locavorium shop and Korycin Cheese). This sustainability assessment followed the Methodological Handbook of the Strength2Food project (D3.2). Its outcome is two-fold: it provides draft results on the sustainability of the quality schemes studied and it allowed us to ensure that the handbook is operational. Its operability was tested and achieved through numerous revisions of the initial handbook. The preliminary results from these pilot case studies, the lessons learnt and the associated revisions for the methodological approach are detailed throughout this report.