Responsible partner: INRA-D
Authors: A. Barczak, V. Bellassen, F. Arfini, R. Brečić, G. Giraud, E. Majewski, B. Tocco, A. Tregear, G. Vittersø
Date of publication: November 2016
This report presents the provisional selection of the 52 case studies for which the sustainability performance will be assessed in Work Packages 5, 6 and 7. Based on the preliminary distribution of cases between countries and scheme types, this report details the selection of 30 cases of organic, PDO, PGI, TSG schemes (WP5), 10 cases of public sector food procurement (WP6), and 12 cases of short food supply chains (WP7). This selection covers a large array of cases in different socio-economic and environmental contexts with varying governance mechanisms. Several criteria were considered for case study selection. Good access by project partners to the case and balance between countries and scheme types applies to all Work Packages. Following the development of the methodological handbook, other WP-specific rationales were added to facilitate the implementation of the sustainability assessment. These rationales are presented in the relevant sections of this report.